Radiation Oncology Mentorship Program
Mentorship is a key component of our academic mission and the Department of Radiation Oncology is committed to fostering a culture of mentoring.
Current Programs
- All inclusive and include students, staff, residents, fellows, and faculty throughout the department
- Mentoring programs include 1:1 partnerships as well as focused/targeted mentors (research, life-coaches, career planning)
Curriculum is flexible and revised to meet the needs of the users with special sessions including invited speakers, leaders in the University, Cancer Center, and Department. Examples:
- Introduction to research
- Research Fair: Clinical, Biology, Physics
- The Academic Path
- Surviving residency
- Work life balance
- Balancing patient care with research and education
- Clinical research toolkit
- Career Planning
- Finding a job
- Contract Evaluation and Practice Structure
- Preparing your CV
- Leadership
- Mentoring
- Making a presentation
- Grant writing
- Manuscript writing
- Board preparation
- Estate planning
- Financial Workshop Series
- Resident-Program Director retreat
- After hours social events / parties at faculty homes
- End of rotation happy hour
- Visiting Professorships - fall and spring
- Monthly lunches with invited speakers
- Attendance at major societal annual meetings: ASTRO, RSNA, ARS, AAPM
- Full service programs including main campus and 3 satellites (CCPA, CCSB, SEROC, SHCROP); global health initiatives; epidemiologic and population based programs
- Stanford = NCI designated Cancer Center
Mentorship Program Director
Catharine and Howard Avery Professor in the School of Medicine, Emerita